
Abortion is the use or prescription of an instrument, medicine, drug, or other substance or device with the intent to terminate a clinically diagnosable pregnancy for reasons other than to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the preborn human being, to terminate an ectopic pregnancy, or to remove a dead preborn human being.

We believe all human life is sacred and of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, those with disabilities, and every other stage or condition from fertilization to natural death.

Abortions on MS residents in 2021


of abortions on MS residents in 2021 were African American women

abortions reported in Mississippi between 1980-2020 (40 years)


of all abortions on MS residents between 1980-2020 were on African American women

Types of Abortion

Morning After Pill
The Morning After Pill, or “emergency contraceptive”, is an abortifacient drug, meaning it can cause an early abortion. Also called Plan B/Ella, this pill is available over the counter and on college campuses in medical vending machines. It can cause an early abortion in a similar way as hormonal contraceptive pills do. They both can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, causing the new blastocyst to starve and die.
How it works

Both the ‘morning-after pill and hormonal contraceptive pills attempt to prevent ovulation. Both pills contain artificial chemicals called “progestins”. Natural progesterone causes the lining of the uterus to become lush, thick, and full of blood vessels and nutrients that can nourish the implanting blastocyst. Artificial “progestins”, however, make the uterine lining thin and hard, so implantation either doesn’t occur or causes such a lack of nutrients that the blastocyst starves to death.

The morning after pill contains a large dose of artificial progestin. It is designed to prevent pregnancy in one cycle only and be taken within 72 hours of intercourse. If the woman ovulated within 24 hours of having intercourse, it is possible that fertilization did occur.  

Potential Side Effects
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • infertility
  • breast tenderness
  • ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening
  • blood clot formation
Medical Abortion

RU-486 (also known as mifepristone) is a chemical used to cause abortion. It was first developed in France in 1981. Although it is referred to as “the abortion pill,” it is actually three pills taken at once. After an unusually rushed approval procedure, RU-486 was legalized in September of 2000 for use in the U.S. to terminate pregnancies. Over a thousand adverse effects have been reported to the FDA, and 8 deaths have occurred in the U.S. alone.

RU-486 is a man-made steroid designed to work against a woman’s normal, natural state during pregnancy. Sometimes it is called a “medical abortion” or “chemical abortion” because it does not involve surgery, unless the chemicals fail to kill the baby.

How it works

During her first visit to the doctor’s office or abortion facility, the woman is given the RU-486 pills. She will take the first pill at the doctor’s office or abortion facility. The first pill works against the hormone progesterone which is needed for the baby’s proper growth and development. The chemical cuts off nourishment to the developing baby, who starves to death inside the mother’s womb. A second pill is also involved which is taken the day after the woman receives the pills from the doctor’s office or abortion facility. The second pill (misoprostol) causes cramping and contractions, it is designed to push the dead baby out of the mother’s womb. During her final doctor’s office or clinic visit, a doctor will examine the woman to see if her abortion is complete. If the RU-486 abortion has failed, the woman will then be scheduled for surgical abortion. Video By: Dr. Anthony Levatino of 1st Trimester Abortion Pill Abortion.

Potential Side Effects
  • nausea
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting
  • heavy and extended bleeding
  • heart attack
  • hemorrhage
  • impaired future fertility
  • harmful to any future children
  • death
Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is an action that surgically kills a baby while he/she is growing in his/her mother’s womb. Depending on the age of the baby at the time that the abortion is carried out, different methods can be used.

How it works
  1. Suction Aspiration(or vacuum curettage, first trimester (The first trimester begins on the first day of your last period and lasts until the end of week 12.)): requires the insertion of a powerful suction tube with a sharp cutting edge into the womb through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the preborn baby, tearing the placenta from the mother’s womb, sucking out blood, amniotic fluid, and the pieces of the preborn baby. Video By: Dr. Anthony Levatino 1st Trimester Suction Aspiration (D & C) Abortion.
  2. Dilation and Curettage(D & C, first trimester): requires the cervix to be dilated so that a medical instrument can be inserted into the womb where the preborn baby is cut apart and removed in pieces. The placenta is then scraped off the womb. This method should not be confused with routine D & Cs done for strictly medical reasons.
  3. Dilation and Evacuation(second trimester (13 to week 27 of pregnancy)): similar to a D & C. Forceps are inserted in the womb to rip apart the preborn baby and remove the pieces from the womb. The preborn baby’s skull will have hardened by this time and must be crushed before it can be removed. Video By: Dr. Anthony Levatino of 2nd Trimester D & E Abortion.
  4. Dilation and Extraction(second and third trimester): also known as “partial-birth abortion” requires the turning of the baby in the womb so that his body, except for his head, can be delivered. Then his brains are sucked out, his head collapsed, and he is delivered dead.
  5. Prostaglandin Injection(second trimester): the hormone is injected to prematurely induce labor The baby is often born alive during this procedure and is left to die in a trash can or a sink.
  6. Saline Injection(second or third trimester (week 29 to week 40)): requires a needle to be inserted into the mother’s abdomen so that amniotic fluid can be removed. This fluid is then replaced with a concentrated salt that burns the baby’s skin. Within three days the mother will deliver a burned, dead baby.
  7. Urea Injection(second or third trimester): performed like the saline injection, though this method is not as strong or as dangerous to the mother. This method is avoided because abortions are frequently incomplete.
  8. Hysterotomy(third trimester): requires an incision in the abdomen so that the preborn baby, placenta, and amniotic sac can be removed. Babies are often removed alive during this procedure and then left to die.
Potential Side Effects
  1. Nausea
  2. Increased breast cancer risk
  3. Infection
  4. Uterine perforation
  5. High blood loss or severe hemorrhage
  6. Permanent cervical or cardiovascular problems
  7. Seizures or coma
  8. Psychological disorders
  9. Death

What is a Pill Abortion?

What is a Suction Abortion?

Abortion and Breast Cancer

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The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

By: Karen Malec

How Politics Trumped Science and Informed Consent

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Risk of Breast Cancer Among Young Women

By: Janet R. Daling, Kathleen E. Malone, Lynda F. Voigt, Emily White, Noel S. Weiss

Relationship to Induced Abortion – JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 86, Issue 21, 2 November 1994, Pages 1584–1592

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Researchers Uncover Hidden Risk Factor For Breast Cancer

Posted by Ardee Coolidge on Jun 28, 2016

Healing After Abortion

1 in 3 women will have an abortion by the age of 45

Abortion may be a relatively common experience, but abortion affects each of us differently. In the weeks and years following an abortion, women may experience physical or psychological after-effects.

Are you or someone you know struggling with these emotions?

Regret, Shame, Anger, Sadness That Often Lead to…

  • Playing the scene over and over again in your head wishing you had done something differently.
  • Asking yourself WHY questions that you can never answer to your satisfaction.
  • Struggling with relationships.
  • Difficulty bonding with children.

You are Not Alone. Reach out to one of these Abortion Recovery Hotlines:

Abortion Recovery Online Resources

    Emotional Risks of Abortion

    Women experience different emotions after an abortion. Some women may feel guilty, sad, or empty, while others may feel relief that the procedure is over. Some women reported severe psychological effects after their abortion, including depression, grief, anxiety, lowered self-esteem, regret, suicidal thought and behavior, sexual dysfunction, avoidance of emotional attachment, flashbacks, and substance abuse. The emotions may appear immediately after an abortion or gradually over a longer period of time.

    These feelings may recur or feel stronger at the time of another abortion or normal birth, or on the anniversary of the abortion. Counseling or support before and after an abortion is very important. If family help and support are not available, coping with the feelings that appear often after an abortion may be more difficult for the woman. Talking with a professional counselor before having an abortion can help a woman better understand her decision and the feelings she may experience after the procedure. If counseling is not available to the woman (or man), these feelings may be more difficult to handle. Many pregnancy help centers offer pre and post-abortion counseling services.

    Abortion Recovery support groups are available to both women and men nationwide. These groups help individuals find a safe path to healing. To join a local support group in Mississippi, please call the office at 601-956-8636, and we can connect you.

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