Pro-Life Blog
We believe all human life is sacred and of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, those with disabilities, and every other stage or condition from fertilization to natural death.
- (601) 956-8636
- P.O. Box 320042, Flowood, MS 39232
Prenatal Diagnosis? There is Hope.
Christi shares her story of her daughter EmmyLou. Christi’s pregnancy journey with a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis and how she and her husband found hope and strength. In July 2017 I went in for a routine 20-week prenatal check and sonogram. This was my...
A Pro-life way to Plan Pregnancy
How can someone prevent an unwanted pregnancy without taking abortifacient drugs like hormonal contraceptives or birth control pills? Here are five of the most commonly used methods of fertility awareness.
But What About the Thousands of Children Already in Foster Care?
All of these are common Pro-Abortion rebuttals to Pro-Lifers. They claim that Pro-Lifers don’t really care about children because they aren’t concerned with those that are poor and/or come from broken families and are in foster care.
Are There Rare Cases When an Abortion Is Justified?
This excuse for allowing abortion sounds reasonable. If the pregnancy is threatening the mother’s life, it would seem that lethal force —an abortion —would be a permissible form of self-defense. The child is not really “attacking” the mother, but his presence puts her at risk. It sounds like a good argument, but it simply isn’t true.
When Does Life Begin?
Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her.
LaTonia’s testimony
LaTonia’s testimony given at the 2019 Spring Banquet with PLM President, Laura Duran
From Abortionist to Pro-Life Activist: Dr. Beverly McMillan’s Story
“I didn’t start out life wanting to be an abortionist,” Beverly McMillan tells me as we sit across from each other in the conference room of Pro-Life Mississippi’s offices. We’ve met here today to talk about Dr. McMillan’s life and the testimony of how she went from abortionist to Pro-Life Activist. Dr. McMillan has served as both president and vice president of Pro-Life Mississippi over the years, shared her testimony at numerous events, and counseled women on the sidewalk outside of Jackson’s last remaining abortion clinic. But she didn’t start out as pro-life or a Christian.
What’s Really Going on at Missouri’s Last Abortion Clinic?
There has been a lot of hype over the past month about the fate of Missouri’s last abortion clinic.
But What About Human Rights?
Previously, we discussed that the abortion debate boils down to the question of, “Who gets rights?” The Pro-Life side asserts the fundamental right to life for all; the Pro-Abortion side claims that a woman's (person’s) right to bodily autonomy is greater than a fetus’s (“non-persons”) right to life.)
But What About Personhood?
The abortion debate hinges upon the issue of “rights.” Proponents of abortion claim to advocate women’s rights- the right to bodily autonomy. Pro-Life individuals point to the intrinsic right to life of every individual.